Sunday, January 27, 2008

To Lucasta, Going to the Wars by Richard Lovelace

This is a pretty cool poem for someone that is going away for a long time to give to a lover. I don't really agree with him going away for war, when it seems as though he is leaving her for someone else. But then I see him leaving her for war as another love of his. It's something he feels very passionate about and he wants to persue it. It sounds as though he has more passion for the war than he does for his true love. I think he should stay with her if he truly loves her, instead of going off to try to show off to her. This poem has a rhyme scheme of every stanze the second line rhymes the last line of the stanza and continues on the whole poem. I don't really like this poem because he choses something that will last for a short time while what he has could last a life time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that in his day in age that for his pride and dignity he cant stay with his woman like Vinny says, he obviously has to much to fight for if he goes off and tells her that he has to give her up to be more focused and devoted to his cause.